Michigan Trans Man Shot in His Wheelchair, Called Tr*nny, F*ggot

Political/religious leaders fanning flames of hate must take responsibility

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton, photos provided by Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton

They drove away shouting ‘tr*nny’ and ‘f*ggot’ and laughed after they shot me.

— Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton, Pontiac, Michigan

I can’t tell you how shocked I felt reading the above words early yesterday morning in the LGBTQ newspaper Pink News. I’m a Michigander who lived in the Detroit area for many years. I know Pontiac well. Or I thought I did. If somebody had asked me before yesterday if Pontiac is the kind of place where a gay transgender man could be shot with a powerful pellet gun and taunted with slurs — while he’s out buying groceries in his powered wheelchair — I would have said no … no way, no how.

Those are not Michigan values. Those are not middle American values.

But it did happen. To Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton, who lives in Pontiac with his husband Gareth, who Andrew tells me is, “A truly fantastic human being. I won the lottery.” Andrew began his transition well after he married Gareth, and while they’ve had their problems, their marriage is very strong today.

Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself.



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.