My Bisexuality is Like a Keepsake

Sometimes I Wear It, Sometimes I Store It.

Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Prism & Pen
Published in
1 min readMay 17, 2021


Photo by ernest et lulu on Unsplash

My bisexuality is like a keepsake:
Sometimes I wear it
Sometimes I own it
Sometimes I am it

My bisexuality is like a keepsake:
Other times I run away from it
Other times it hides in my pocket
Or wrapped up in a locket

My bisexuality is like a keepsake:
hidden in my back pocket
a handkerchief
that is a part of me
and yet not
that I only take out sometimes

Other times it’s folded inside a life
of marriage and kids
and a suburban home in a zone
all alone with my bisexuality.

Lindsay Soberano Wilson is the creator of Put It To Rest. Her debut full-length poetry book Hoods of Motherhood: A Collection of Poems (Prolific Pulse Press, May 2023) is available now. Casa de mi Corazón: A Travel Journal of Poetry & Memoir is available at Find her on Medium, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. Lindsay Soberano-Wilson©2023.



Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Prism & Pen

Pushcart/Best of Net Nom I Cobalt Blues, Hoods of Motherhood & Casa de mi Corazon I Creator: Put It To Rest I Editor: iPoetry |