My Gender Isn’t My Genitals, and Your Ignorance Is Unacceptable

Intangibly transgender in a tangibly challenging world

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


The current political polarization seems to be pulling at the extremes of our society. In the U.S., are you Blue or Red? Republican or Democrat? If you are uncommitted, you are being pulled by both camps. There are so many issues to fight over. Compromise, the adult alternative in a democracy (or republic if you choose), has become an obsolete strategy.

As a transgender person, I recognize that people seem to be either inclusive or exclusive. Some people may welcome me, but many others are aggressively looking to exclude me. I take it personally, but those same people seem to be very selective about who they are willing to include, so I am not sure I would enjoy their company.

Those same exclusionists also seem to use the difference between the tangible world of my biological sex versus the intangibility of my internal sense of gender. To them, I simply do not exist; and by their rules, I have no way to prove otherwise.

Like proving God to an atheist and love to a cynic, I am defenseless against aggressive ignorance, and that kind of ignorance is dangerous.

Martin Luther King Jr. warned us that:



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.