My Queer Movie Crush, Then and Now

A Prism & Pen writing prompt

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Ron Howard as Richie Cunningham from official publicity photo on IMDB.

When I was a little kid, I had the biggest crush on Billy Mummy, who played Will Robinson in TV’s Lost in Space. I didn’t know it was a crush. I just knew watching Will on the show made me feel happy and warm inside. Within a couple years, I understood why, though by then my crush spotlight had snapped over to Ron Howard as Richie in Happy Days. These days? I certainly wouldn’t swipe past Neil Patrick Harris on Tinder! He’s matured as beautifully as a fine bottle of Bordeaux.

Why am I telling you about my questionable taste in ginger twinks?

It’s Prism & Pen prompt time, and I think July would make a great time to have a picnic with “family” and let our hair down. Events in the broader world are tense and frightening, but our queer communities are strong, and part of the reason is that we put so much thought into what makes us tick. So let’s do some of that for the next two weeks!

My queer movie crush, then and now

Esther Spurrill-Jones just wrote a great article about the movies and characters that spoke to her inner bisexual before she realized she’s bi. GB Rogut just suggested a prompt about movie crushes, and Soul Dancer suggested a prompt about “how old is old to you — now,” referring to how our thoughts on…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.