My Transgender Day: A Transitional Farce in Five Brief Acts

An emotionally and physically tiring game of juggling

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


The curtain rises on a farce of a day.

I am a late-in-life transitioning transgender woman. “What does that mean?” I hear the gender-uninformed cisgender person ask, possibly followed by: “What is cisgender?” To speed along the story I have put a brief glossary of terms below.*

I started my day with great plans that required multiple character and wardrobe changes. The new reality of my life demanded it. For personal and professional reasons I must continue to present as male most of the time.

It really sucks.

For sixty years, my role on the stage of life as a male lead was dictated to me by a rigidly binary world. It indoctrinated me into the role of Male from the moment of my birth. With a crack on my ass, the delivery doctors proudly informed my parents:

“Congratulations, it’s a boy!”

There was no looking back. The doctor and the world declared my gender as male.

Only they both got it wrong.

I was born with a birth defect.

Mother Nature had decided to wave the Magic Wand of Biodiversity over my mother’s womb causing my body to form male while my brain was wired female. Being born in the…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.