New Wave Ex-Gay Christian Leader Admits Frequent Sex with Men

Exposes slippery Changed Movement claims

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Jeffrey McCall, from his “Changed Movement” Facebook Page in which he claims Jesus delivered him from LGBTQ identity.

A Christian ex-gay leader just admitted he’s had sex with multiple men while preaching freedom from LGBTQ identity. No surprise. Most Christian reparative-therapy or ex-gay leaders have admitted past change claims were baseless. Many have admitted they never stopped having same-gender sex. This new scandal is surprising because it’s barely a scandal: The leader in question isn’t stepping down or apologizing. Neither he nor anyone else in his movement seems to think his “stumbling” disqualifies him from his mission. Today’s ex-gay Christian leaders are a whole new breed. What does “ex-gay” mean to them? Probably not what you think.

Jeffrey McCall is widely known for appearing in the popular 2021 Pray Away documentary and for leading Freedom March, which stages public events to claim Jesus delivers people from unwanted same-sex attraction. Part of the broader Changed Movement group, Freedom March also calls for an end to LGBTQ-equality laws and conversion therapy bans, which organizers claim discriminate against Christians.



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.