Nobody Likes the Transgender Rule-Breaker

but who is making the gender rules?

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


I am a rule breaker.

Since I don’t play by the rules, to many in the world, that makes me a villain, an outcast, a pariah, and a social leper. There are people in the world who believe that I should be penalized because I have strayed outside the rules of the gender game book.

I am transgender.

I was born in a male body but I feel that, at some point before I was born, my gender was hardwired female. Technically, Mother Nature broke the rules and I am just an unwilling victim, but the world just doesn’t see it that way. The penalty cards are everywhere, in churches, in the media, in state and national legislatures, and just walking on the street.

There are too many referees.

Suddenly, everyone is an expert on gender and in particular my gender. They confuse biological sex with gender. That is like comparing the act of sex with the act of love.

It doesn't work.

Mother Nature makes the rules, not us. We try to figure them out along the way. Many times we get it brutally wrong, like when doctors used to diagnose women with “female hysteria” in the 19th century, as they considered women more sensitive and easily influenced.



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.