Noisy Quiet and Chaotic Stillness

A Poetic Essay about COVID

Michael Horvich (he, him)
Prism & Pen
3 min readSep 14, 2022


Biblical COVID Sanitizing Spray

COVID 19 has brought so many changes on us so quietly and so quickly.
People around the world are infected, either getting better or dying.
The harbingers of this change are invisible to the eye and all senses. So we can only imagine what the black-hooded creature looks like.

Restaurants, museums, stores, schools, churches, libraries all close.
Events, conferences, music venues, plays, celebrations all turn off lights.
Directly or indirectly; salaries, benefits, basic necessities are lost by many.
Those who have been suffering before are suffering even more now.

Outside and in, the quiet seems to feel so much more quiet than before.
The stillness seems more still than usual and cities and streets are empty.
The noise around us is so quiet that it deafens us in the hearing of its roar.
And the stillness so great that it frightens each of us to look at its approach.

We have come to expect that things will always be and stay the same.
We expect that nothing will change or be rearranged in our lives.
But in one day, all is different and unrecognizable and incomprehensible.
And change is upon us; want it, like it, or not — we never expected this.

Buddhist studies say that everything around us is impermanent.
Knowing that every day everything around, in front and behind us changes.
Even if imperceptible to the eye or ear or nose or taste or sense of feeling.
Even if changes go unwanted or unnoticed, celebrated or lamented.

From the time you woke up early, very early this morning on a Monday.
Everything about your physical being is no longer the same on Tuesday.
Cells have died off, sloughed off, been rearranged or renewed by Wednesday.
Organs pump, lungs breathe, acids break down components on Thursday.

What might be the same? Is it your attitude and your belief system?
You might think the same thoughts you have always had, but
Your actions and reactions follow the triggers that you have used before.
But they may no longer apply, be true, be appropriate, or be necessary.

So in this time of great change for all of us in the world, young and old,
If we can change with the times it could become easier to feel the air.
As we vow to change our antiquated thoughts and actions and triggers,
One builds a new you to reflect who you have or will become.

Have faith knowing that it is OK where you are and that you will grow.
Have faith in humans that we will survive this and come out the other side.
We will experience change, seek out the good, and become stronger.
The world will most likely be a better place for all; it certainly needs to be.

The quiet seems more beautiful to hear, the stillness to experience.
The noise seems so quiet that we hear the birds make their music.
The fear energizes one to step up to change and recognize that gift.
We will continue to tell our stories of hope, love, compassion, and life.



Michael Horvich (he, him)
Prism & Pen

I write essays & poetry about my life insights & philosophies, the LGBTQ Community & Dementia/ Alzheimer’s Disease. I am Old. Jewish. Buddhist. Gay. Widowed.