Oh, Yes — That Little (Gay) Crush on Michael J Fox

In response to a Prism & Pen writing prompt

Prism & Pen
Published in
6 min readJul 22, 2022


Image from Whitaker and McNamara, 2017 (

Did my crush on Michael J Fox help me feel more secure in my identity or hinder me? Both. Neither. I don’t know. It’s confusing, because I’m ‘an interesting situation.’

The P is Silent?

Alex P Keaton. The P didn’t stand for anything, it was a creation of the actor who played him — Michael J Fox, because the J doesn’t stand for anything. What completely useless trivia to know. Just like I know Michael’s birthday is June 9, 1961. Michael J Fox as Alex P Keaton was my first crush. Of course, I also crushed on Marty McFly, Scott Howard, and any character played by the love of my life who I was certain to marry. Imagine my shock when that pesky Tracey Pollan got her hands on him! Jokes aside though, are they not just the quintessential Hollywood couple perfection? Yes, I got over my heartbreak.

But this childhood crush that started before I was ten years old and endured until it was clear his marriage was going to last, raises some interesting questions. Or rather, James Finn’s writing prompt on Prism & Pen raised some questions!



Prism & Pen

🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ2SIA+ Writer✍️[BMediaComm, MA(Writing) Swin.] First Nations, agender (they/them). Top Writer 🏆 LGBTQ, Diversity.