One Roar

Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2021


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We will march and dance and roar
Until the walls fall down.
We will fight for this is war,
And we will win the crown.

Fling the doors and gates open
And let the music play.
Every promise yes amen
For every single gay.

We will not give up, give in,
Our strength found in our joy.
You may call us evil, sin,
But we are not your foe.

You can join us in our song,
Prepare the way of hope.
One voice, one body, we are strong:
One roar from one mass throat.

This story is a response to Prism & Pen’s writing prompt Roar With Fierce Joy



Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.