Canada’s Conservatives Have Gone Suspiciously Silent on Trans Issues

Quiet as a mouse, the bigoted elephant still stamps about

Piddling Piddles
Prism & Pen


A Canadian flag with the Rocky Mountains in the background
Photo by Igor Kyryliuk & Tetiana Kravchenko on Unsplash

Trump. Trump this, Trump that.

His name is on nearly everyone’s lips worldwide, especially as we tick closer to election day. And what a ride it’s been — from an assassination attempt to a surprise bowing-out, the United States is experiencing its most important election in ages.

Is it bold to say the country’s democracy is under threat? The man himself is doing little to temper such dramatics with the help of vague proclamations like, when he’s voted in, Christians “won’t have to vote anymore” because “we’ll have it fixed so good.” A claim loaded enough to be read as a vague threat to rig future elections.

Yet when he attends a Moms for Liberty event, a group known for its anti-LGBTQ+ stance, and spouts lies about schools handing out gender reassignment surgeries like candy, there is no hand-waving to hide behind. This is transphobic disinformation, plain and simple — and it’s no surprise given trans people’s place in recent American politics.

We have been the scapegoat and the distraction, our discrimination a tool to snag votes. Undeniably, trans people should be paying close attention to Trump and his cronies — between his murky…



Piddling Piddles
Prism & Pen

Just your typical burnt-out, mid-twenties transfemme queer. I write about anything and everything, from autism, queerness, storytelling, and my own experiences.