Poetry for the Girls, Gays, & Theys

3 Sad Poems by Ausia R

Ausia R
Prism & Pen


cr: Unsplash via Stefano Ghezzi

The Dream That Never Was

You are the music notes coming from Taylor Swift’s guitar.
Because this is our song.
I asked if I could paint your nails,
Just so I could slide my fingers in between yours.
That and I might’ve died to see you with black nail polish.
I had dreams about our kiss.
But I would awake to realize you were gone.
The kiss that never was.
Because you are gone.
I planned a picnic for our next date.
I wanted to make bracelets,
& eat peanut butter sandwiches together.
I spent an hour picking the best spot for us.
That’s what I was going to tell you before it all ended
There’s a part of me that hopes you are happy,
Another part of me wishes you aren’t.
Are you wondering how I am doing?
Are you wondering if I am moving on?
Or maybe you truly love them?
That’s a harder pill to swallow.
& I am not ready to let you go.
Selfish I know.
Were you happy with me?
I think about the space you left between us.
Was it on purpose though?
Were you just as afraid as I was?
What did you feel before it all happened?
I guess it’s not just me that has unsaid things
Running through their heads.



Ausia R
Prism & Pen

25 || Feminist || Curious about wellness, art, culture, & mythology || she/her