Prosecutor Threatens Librarian with Prison Over LGBTQ Book

How absurd has the anti-LGBTQ backlash become?

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Lapeer County, MI Prosecutor John Miller (L) photo by Brice Tucker. Lapeer County Library Director Amy Churchill, photo courtesy Amy Churchill.

I am not hard to find. If Mr. Miller wishes to arrest me, I am in my office working for the patrons and staff of the Lapeer District Library Monday through Friday.

— Lapeer District Library Director Amy Churchill

To threaten criminal charges against the judgment of a librarian who determines that a book is appropriate for viewing by the public is dangerous and perhaps even outrageous.

— Larry Dubin, emeritus law professor at the University of Detroit Mercy

How absurd have Republican efforts become to ban books and empty library shelves of Black and queer content? How absurd is the “groomer” propaganda conservatives wield to paint LGBTQ people as sexual predators?

This absurd: Lapeer County, Michigan Prosecutor John Miller, a Republican elected official, just threatened library director Amy Churchill with prison time. He reportedly told her he will charge her with a felony violation of a sex-predator sting law unless she removes an LGBTQ-themed book from adult-section library shelves.

Churchill says she will not cave to Miller’s unconstitutional and un-American threats, but he’s inflaming passions and putting…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.