Queer Christmas and Other Holiday Havoc

A Prism & Pen writers prompt

James Finn
Prism & Pen


This stylized photo (CC BY 2.0) by artist Kevin Dooley presents a particular idea about queer winter holidays. What are your ideas?

Did you know a coalition of Catholic and Protestant clergy in a Texas city are freaking out as they try to exclude LGBTQ people (read: drag queens, transgender folks, obvious gay men and lesbians) from an annual Christmas parade? That’s what my next story is about, so I won’t spill many beans, but I find the controversy unspeakably sad.

Many queer people love and celebrate Christmas even when they’re atheists like me or “mostly agnostic but apathetic,” as my late Jewish husband Lenny described himself. Also, and I hope this would be obvious, but many queer people are Christians, including Christian ministers, deacons, lay leaders, bishops, etc.

In tomorrow’s story, I’m going to comment on the irony of conservatives complaining about a “War on Christmas” when they themselves war to exclude LGBTQ people from the holiday. But I digress. This is a writing prompt for you!

My husband and I threw queer Christmas/Holiday bashes every year

We filled our Manhattan apartment with warmth, music, and love in defiance of winter’s dying light. We invited as many friends and family as we could to share the light with us. Our guests included Jews, neo-pagans, Hindus, Sikhs, and our Muslim neighbor lady…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.