Queer-Coded Characters on Television

Plus some fan-made tributes

Jen M
Prism & Pen


Thirteen and River Song. Source: BBC

JASKIER From The Witcher (Netflix)


If you’ve heard from The Witcher fanbase, you’ve probably also heard of Geraskier: Geralt and Jaskier’s ship name.

Queer fans of the show easily identified Jaskier as queer and picked up on the romantic undertones within the two men’s friendship — even though the showrunner denied it, saying in an interview with Digital Spy:

“These are men who… one of them is very passionate, and very creative, and is able to express his feelings; and one is not at all… But they both ultimately love each other very much.”
[But the two of them are] “just an example of male friendship”
— Lauren Hissrich

As of now, it looks like another potential homoerotic couple will remain “just friends” — despite their many suggestive interactions with each other — and Jaskier is simply “a straight man with effeminate tendencies.” This has disappointed and upset many queer fans, one of them writing:



Jen M
Prism & Pen

A freelance writer, writer, artist, geek, hopeless (and hopeful) romantic, and over-thinker.