Queerness Sets me Free

Three reasons why I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Joseph Coco
Prism & Pen


Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

Queer existence is the thing that sets me adrift and sets me free. A panacea that never gives out, my life is better for being who and what I am. In responding to Prism and Pen’s prompt, I didn’t have to dig too deep to come up with reasons why I love being a part of the LGBTQ community.

I Love Being the “Other”

So many modern LGBTQ narratives center around the idea that we’re just like our straight counterparts. We want the same things: Cute pets, families, capitalism dismantled. “We all possess the same love” they say, centering campaigns and messaging around this idea. If we just show society that we’re not threats to their children, churches, and bakeries, we too can be regular people. Blech.

How about no though?

The way I love my partner and others is not just like the love straight people have for one another. For straight people, they get to experience love without the added difficulty of people thinking their attractions are wrong. From mild disgust to righteous hellfire, their love will never be a cultural battlefield the way ours is.

My partner and I can never access a world where we’re not going to be seen as abnormal by any person or institution. I love that. I love…



Joseph Coco
Prism & Pen

Big haired #Leo who writes about existing as a Queer POC in America. Louisiana Creole. New Orleans. I’m the dramatic southern belle your parents love!