UK Psychiatry Association to Platform Anti-LGBTQ Hate Groups

After secretly advising the Cass Review, hate group members will be platformed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Kaylin Hamilton
Prism & Pen


Edinburgh castle, overlaid with trans flag colors
Edinburgh, Scotland, where RCPsych plans to platform members of a designated anti-LGBTQ hate group (Photo by Jörg Angeli on Unsplash, modified by author using the Trans Pride Flag)

The following is an open letter to the UK’s Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) in response to the Trans Safety Network’s alert that the College’s International Congress, to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland 17–20 June 2024, will feature speakers from organisations that, according to the SPLC, are anti-LGBTQ hate groups. This letter was emailed to the event organisers along with ten of the event’s keynote speakers on June 11.

Dear all,

I am writing to you as you are all keynote speakers at the upcoming Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress, and I wanted to bring to your attention a concerning matter regarding the affiliation of several other speakers at that event.

The speakers noted below are all associated with the group Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM), who, along with their sister group Genspect, have just been designated an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC), a prominent US-based civil rights organisation which tracks extremists and hate groups. The SPLC describes SEGM as ‘the hub’ of an ‘anti-LGBTQ…



Kaylin Hamilton
Prism & Pen

I write about feminist issues, queer politics, disability and social justice. PhD in Sociology & Social Policy. Editor for Prism & Pen. She/Her.