Why Are Republicans Trying to Eradicate Transgender and LGBTQ Americans?

(AND why it’s in EVERYONE’S best interest to push back!)

Jaimie Hileman
Prism & Pen
Published in
6 min readMay 11, 2024


Progress pride flag color background with black text: ‘the universe loves queer Americans; GOPMAGAs do not’ with the word ‘love’ replaced by a heart
Image by the author, created in Canva

(Content warning: homophobia, transphobia)

A recent writing prompt asked LGBTQ voices to consider writing letters to our Congress critters asking them nicely to consider NOT persecuting trans and LGBTQ children and to consider WHY the majority party in a majority of US statehouses insists on the necessity of such persecution. This, as we witness a literally unprecedented wave of stochastic terrorism and discriminatory legislation targeting trans, LGBTQ, and female Americans politically for marginalization and erasure.

It’s a damned good question…after all, WHY is it such a political necessity for the US Right?

Why also is it necessary at this level of intensity and frequency?

What makes it so different from previous waves of transphobia, homophobia, and institutionalized misogyny?

Why we’re quick to sound the alarm

Let me first share with you my perspective as a woman who is trans, lesbian, queer, a trans and LGBTQ…



Jaimie Hileman
Prism & Pen

Trans/LGBTQ cultural competency and DEI educational consultant, member WPATH, AASECT, university instructor, intersectional advocate, zero tolerance for abuse.