Responding to Some Typical But Misguided Anti-Trans Comments

Let’s clear some things up

Rand Bishop
Prism & Pen
Published in
7 min readJun 28, 2024


What is reportable under Title IX,

It’s always a quandary. To respond or not to respond, that is the question.

You publish a piece on Medium — in this case, in Prism & Pen. You presume you’re preaching to the choir — which you usually are — that readers will be receptive to what you’re sharing. Most comments applaud the point you’re making. Others go so far as to share a personal experience that reinforces your point and/or impart additional information to expand upon it.

Sometimes, however, a piece provokes comments of a less approving, more argumentative kind… as appears to be the case with one of my recent Prism & Pen pieces, “States are Willing to Forego Millions to Discriminate Against Trans Students.”

Certainly, I would be foolish to presume that everyone who reads an article published by a LGBTQ+ themed Medium publication will automatically fall in line with my old-school liberal politics.

And, to be clear, I fully respect contrary opinions and welcome dialogue, as long as the exchange remains civil and constructive.

However, when such contrary comments and opinions are based on misinformation — or worse, willful ignorance — I feel obliged to respond with reason and facts.



Rand Bishop
Prism & Pen

Bishop's latest book, the semi-autobiographical novel, Long Way Out, is available in e- and print editions through most major online booksellers.