Siri: Find Me a Hot Spot.

Gabe Evaristo
Prism & Pen
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2020

Dunes, sunscreen, seltzers, bikes, a 60 min walk to a secluded beach, what is not to love?

Pict. by Bruce Lennon

That is what every man visiting boy beach has ever thought — groundbreaking.

But what makes it special? There is so much to tell, one can only hope to grasp the minimum necessary to help you understand this very important part of gay culture.

Let’s start from the beginning: every queer person I know dreams of a place like this, but you can hardly find much of a description online.

It is a very exclusive place! It is reserved for those who know somebody that’s been there.

It is one of those places you either dream about or do whatever you possibly can to go and protect from regulations and stigmas. It is the hottest place on earth -or at least it feels that way when you are in it.

There is something sexy to the fact that not a single non-queer person can be spotted in miles! But it doesn’t come at no cost: biking, walking through marshland under a crispy sun, not knowing exactly for how long, low or high tide. But one thing is for sure: it’ll be worth it.

Daddy, twink, tall, short, shy, feathers, interracial, non-binary, Santal 33, jockstraps, speedos, nothing-at-all, tattoos, natural, circumcised, closeted, bears, beers, Britney in the back, lots of colors, a constant fear of being caught: queerness at its best.

There are literally endless options and you can have it all, or nothing: your call.

I spot an early-50s-looking man, beautiful birthday suit, trying to see what this weekend brought to the sandbanks, in constant need of showing himself around and hunting for his next victim(s).

Not far from him there is a couple, both drinking rosé (what else did you expect?), trying to catch his attention. Soon after, there are 3 bodies under the afternoon sun, trying to solve the secrecy of masculinity and femininity without leaving the blanket: a striking picture.

Two drinks later I found myself in a scene I can hardly forget: the ocean and horizon merged for a stunning blue. Sobriety had left my body after a 2nd layer of sunscreen replaced my clothes. The umbrella was crowded with pop-fans and incredibly shiny men, so lush!

There was no time for second thoughts or doubts. Instead, I was about to let myself loose and get dehydrated among this group of men I will never see again, and whose names I cannot remember to date. Payton maybe? I am sure there was a Tom in there.

Dangerous? Many might say. Sinful? Hardly…since everyone in here is giving consent. Interesting? You bet; unless sexuality, self-discovery and building long-lasting memories are not your cup of tea.

And why do we all think of it as sexy and attractive? It is ours, we created it. We wrote the rules and apply them here every time.

There is a beach like this in every place you go: Mykonos, Fire Island, Provincetown, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, Nice, Maui, -insert gorgeous destination-. Good luck finding yours.

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Gabe Evaristo
Prism & Pen

Trying to get lost in the thrill of it all — while documenting it. Nonconformist, justice-seeker, into fiction and opinion pieces. Oh! also an MD. (He/Him/His)