we playin catch. — a poem
we playin catch.
everybody toss the ball.
sis toss the ball.
sis toss four at once.
sis watch me get hit by three.
the ball i catch burn my hands.
but i don’t drop it.
sis laugh and laugh.
and i can’t toss it back.
my hands just grip
for dear life.
sis smell my flesh and sis ain’t stop laughing.
everybody watchin, and nobody else tossing.
sis say round two.
sis throw, sis ain’t toss.
sis throwin like sis ain’t spent a day off the softball field.
sis throwin like sis ain’t known the batting cages weren’t human-powered and sis been training to join ‘em.
sis throwin like i don’t feel pain.
sis just throw and smile.
throw and smile.
i don’t catch shit but shit find me anyway.
whatever sis throwin been dipped in acid
and lined with nails.
i keep my arms at my sides.
acid ain’t too bad if you pretend it’s fresh air.