The Best of Prism & Pen? Calling All Readers and Writers: Help, Please!
Here’s an exciting new project we can’t do without you.
Prism & Pen has been amplifying queer voices for years.
We publish three to four stories every morning on our platform, and we promote them all over social media. We don’t JUST publish. Our editors work with writers to help stories become the best they can be.
Sometimes, those stories find many readers. Our most popular story ever (about bottom growth in transmasc people on HRT) has been viewed 160,000 times. That excellent story totally deserves those numbers.
But often, we publish excellent stories to more moderate readership, and sometimes, we publish truly outstanding pieces that barely get noticed at all.
We’ve got an exciting plan in mind to amp up our amplification — to find more readers for great stories — and we need YOUR help to pull it off. I don’t want to give out a lot of details today, because our plan is embryonic, and if we modify it a little or a lot, I don’t want people to end up disappointed or upset.
Since we can’t do this without you, please consider this post a trial balloon to test our community’s ability…