The Difference Between Female, Woman and Feminine

Eternally searching for my transgender answer to “Who am I?”

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


I took another tumble down the transgender pit of endless questions and doubts again this week. I was triggered by my own doubts and reading too many TERF articles.

I know, I know, why do I allow haters to continue to shake my transgender reality?

It’s like constantly picking at an emotional scab.

Regardless, here is the twisted mental path I chopped, one more time, through the endless gender jungle.

The meaning of FEMALE is relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs. In addition, typically a female has two X chromosomes (XX).

“Female” can apply to any species, but “woman” refers specifically to humans.

To be a woman is more than a biological definition. Not all women are technically, biologically female. Some women can’t produce eggs or have children or don’t have two X chromosomes yet they are considered a woman regardless of lacking the required “membership card” that so many ignorant legislators, religious zealots, and TERFS demand.

In the 1970s feminist scholars adopted the term gender as a way of distinguishing “socially…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.