The Frosty Wars: Snowmen Amok

A Prism & Pen Writing Prompt

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Image by Lisa Baird from Pixabay

Writers, it’s prompt time!

For those of you new to Prism & Pen, we set a new challenge every two weeks. We hope it’s fun and inspirational. Sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it can be taken many different ways, but this week it’s pure whimsy.

My cat and I built a snowman a couple weeks ago (yes, of course she helped), just to get some fresh air and sunshine. Ollie’s melted a bit since, and needs some patching, but I was staring out the window at him a few moments ago, so voila…

“The Frosty Wars: Snowmen Amok” is our new challenge prompt. My own snowman is weirdly shaped, vaguely phallic, and not traditional. So if you want your own story to be a bit warped, I’m sure Ollie would approve.

This is Ollie. The miscreant skulking beside the maple is Elsa.

Don’t want to write about pugilistic snowmen? No problem, we accept stories on all topics at all times. But if you want to get weird with us, jump on in, the snow is fine!

P&P’s new two-week prompt starts today

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry — you name it. Let’s see your inner Frosty. However you take this…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.