The Cycles of Revelation Series

The Medellan Conspiracy: Betrayal (A Queer Sci-Fi Thriller)

Episode 61: After their first tantalizing glimpse into the past, someone unexpected is brought into custody.

Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen
Published in
6 min readApr 30, 2024


The rest of the video was more of the same hiss and flickering granules, so Laeyral ended the playback and they all sat in the ensuing silence for a moment.

“That wasn’t much to go on,” Jevan said. “What do you think she was talking about?”

Keryth leaned forward. “It sounded like she was being sent somewhere, if to be shipped meant what I think it does.”

“That video certainly confirms she was Medellan,” Andreesen said, getting up to pour himself another drink. “Her dialect was a bit unusual, but I still understood most of what she said. The only word I wasn’t familiar with was godforsaken.”

“That’s the only word my translator had an issue with as well, which is remarkable considering how old that recording is,” Laeyral said. “The Athla’naa language has changed much in the twelve hundred years since Ardyn’s ancestors crash landed on Med’nor. It’s unusual that your language would have changed so little, over roughly four times the same time span.”



Grayson Bell
Prism & Pen

An autistic, gay, transgender man writing queer fiction and about LGBTQ issues, focused on the transgender community. (He/Him)