The Question of Disclosure: Coming Out A Thousand Times

My Experiences with Disclosure in my Life as a Trans and Queer Woman

Jo Rittberg
Prism & Pen


Image by Tonik on

A friend of mine once described being transgender as coming out a thousand times. Now, keep in mind this person is not trans, but they are right. Especially as I go along in my transition, I constantly have to decide what to tell people about me, and what is safer to hold in. I am lucky to be in a part of the world where my life is not on the line, but others do not have it as easy. Especially in states such as Tennessee where it is now against the law for minors to take hormones, the question becomes even more dangerous. When people may want to have you dead for being trans, you may not want to tell them. This piece is on my experience with disclosure and the obstacles it has brought to my life.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (For Kids)

My first exposure to disclosure came at twelve years old. In my scout troop, it was against the rules to be LGBTQ+. I didn't even have the words yet to say I was trans, but even at that tender age, I was terrified. I didn’t want anyone to know so I hid. I was quiet, never shared myself with others, and even kept to myself more than usual. This was all to protect me from the ridicule I would get from kids, and maybe even possibly adults. This…



Jo Rittberg
Prism & Pen

I am a Trans woman who loves to write. Some of my other hobbies include cooking, watching movies, and going to the theatre.