Michael Horvich (he, him)
Prism & Pen
Published in
1 min readJan 1, 2023


MICHAEL’S VERSION: One Gay Man’s Creed

Public Domain from

Grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
Wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time
Enjoying each moment in its time
Recognizing life is a continuum not an extreme
Working towards balance in all things.

Understanding that growth in awareness is continuous
But knowing that all things are not knowable to me
Keeping an open loving heart with healthy connections
Even if loss of those connections will cause pain.

Accepting this world as it is not as I would have it
Accepting the people around me as they are
Not as I would have them: Gay, Straight, Trans, or otherwise
And trusting that all things will be right.

With faith in myself that I may be content in this life
As a Gay Man creating and following my own path
Creating my own milestones and suffering my own millstones
Living my life compassionately, generously, non-judgementally.

Thanks to Reinhold Niebuhr author of the original “Serenity Prayer”



Michael Horvich (he, him)
Prism & Pen

I write essays & poetry about my life insights & philosophies, the LGBTQ Community & Dementia/ Alzheimer’s Disease. I am Old. Jewish. Buddhist. Gay. Widowed.