The Spectrum of Love: A Poem for Pride

If we listen to each other under the glow of love, that light will explode into a rainbow of colours.

Adam Leverett
Prism & Pen


Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

Away from the people and miles from the crowd,
Far from the voices that are shouting so loud.

Come sit for a minute, share this moment with me,
Hatred is blind, but with patience, we’ll see.

Embrace the unknown and what you knew to be true,
Let the walls fall away; we can build something new.

I know it’s not easy to strip to the bone,
But like you, I’m a soul who just wants to be known.

I know most are painted with colours pre-made,
But somehow, my spirit took on a new shade.

Perhaps there’s a story that hasn’t been told,
That love has no pattern, no blueprint or mould.

No paper doll cutouts stuck on with glue,
Not pretty girl pink or baby boy blue.

Please take time to listen, don’t turn out the light,
For truth never came in the blackness of night.



Adam Leverett
Prism & Pen

Always looking for the magic and mystery that binds this world together.