The T. Swift-Travis Kelce Kerfuffle Reveals Right Wing Ignorance About Gender Identity

No, Taylor Swift is not homely, and I suspect Travis Kelce’s man parts are still attached

Rand Bishop
Prism & Pen
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2023


Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend, photo treatment by the author

Also, she is homely.

— Who was rightwing dweeb Roger Kimball tweeting about?

Taylor Swift. No, I’m not kidding!

No, no, no, you don’t! You can’t say that!

Go ahead, Mr. Kimball. Say that her music isn’t exactly your taste. That’s fine. Say it right out loud! If you’re more into country or hip-hop or death metal or industrial or Sousa marches, more power to ya… Alexa and Pandora will be happy to supply you with the perfect soundtrack for your precious little life, whatever your preferred musical mood happens to be. Those virtual servant girls are busy calculating your manly algorithms 24/7/365. They’ve got your number. They’ll anticipate and supply your every wish, often cherry picking a track just for you before you even knew you wanted to hear it.

But, Sir, let’s be real. You are a balding, middle-aged, White man with multiple chins. You wear a fucking bow tie, apparently without any spirit of whimsy.

Have you looked in the mirror? For you to judge Taylor Swift’s looks is just too ironic. Actually…



Rand Bishop
Prism & Pen

Bishop's latest book, the semi-autobiographical novel, Long Way Out, is available in e- and print editions through most major online booksellers.