The Transgender Post Election in 3D:

Despair, Depression & Determination

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


OK, we just got kicked in the teeth. Voting Democratic and being transgender seems like a combination from hell right now. I have been wrestling, like many of you, with feelings of depression and despair with a touch of fear thrown in.

It reminds me of the Kubler-Ross five stages of grief.

A total acid path of emotions.

But hey, if you are transgender, this is not a new set of experiences.

We have all been there before!

So what are we going to do about it? What are you going to do about it?

This week I drank an entire bottle of red wine with a chocolate bar in one sitting. I ate spaghetti carbonara last night with a chunk of buttered bread. I had two cream cheese bagels this morning.

Don’t ask me about the pint of gelato…

I am done being depressed…plus the bathroom scale just yelled at me to get off.

Let’s get perspective.

There are people in this world suffering far, far worse than us and there is still something we can do about this. Kamala only lost by 4 million votes.

Sure it’s a setback.



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