Think You Have Real Freedom? A View From a Gay Man.

Having freedom and feeling free are two different things

Brandon Ellrich
4 min readJun 22, 2023
Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash

Do You Think You Have Freedom?

Pursuing Happiness

Having freedom and feeling free are quite different from one another. In the U.S. we are all supposedly afforded, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” However, if I decide what makes me happy is to walk down the street naked, the police will offer me a ride in the back of their car.

“But, but…I was pursuing happiness!” I’ll say.

“Oh,” they’ll respond. “In that case, let’s get these handcuffs off.”

“Oh, you needn’t bother,” I’ll assure them. “These will help lead me to another kind of happiness if you’ll join me here in the back seat.”

In this country, I’m legally allowed to love who I choose, date, and even marry another man. Do I feel free to do this? Not always. Other people tell me I’m wrong for doing these things and that it shouldn’t be allowed. I’m not sure why, exactly. I didn’t invite them to the wedding. They aren’t compelled to participate in our nuptials or buy something on our registry.

Free Speech



Brandon Ellrich

I write satire, LGBTQ, and cat stories. I'm an author/freelance writer. I have a B.S. in psychology and my goal in writing is to evoke emotion from the reader.