To All the Chosen Families I’ve Had Before

Thank You, Sincerely A Healing Bi Girl

Ausia R
Prism & Pen


cr: Unsplash via Helena Lopes

(Trigger Warning: Mental Health)

One thing my experience in life thus far has taught me is that I will never be accepted. As a kid, I stuck out like a sore thumb because of my multiracial background and undiagnosed ADHD. Then as a teen, I started to question my sexuality, which felt like a societal death sentence. I was already mixed, now I couldn’t pick a gender to like either.

When I finally felt secure in my label I thought I would start telling people. My friends readily accepted me but my family did not. I was lost and confused, now given new and shiny attachment issues. After a while, I realized the only thing my friends didn’t care about was my sexuality. Still, being accepted for one thing is better than nothing. Hey, my family couldn’t even do that. It felt like death being alone but being surrounded by people who are committed to misunderstanding you is the loneliest fate of all. My therapist became my best friend, literally. School and home both began to feel like a coffin and I had already started making my grave.

But then I met the most amazing online friends who got me through the rest of high school. When socializing became so overwhelming, I felt safer connecting to like-minded people over the internet. I grew up in…



Ausia R
Prism & Pen

25 || Feminist || Curious about wellness, art, culture, & mythology || she/her