Trans Men Get Treated Like Sex Objects, Too

But no one talks about it

Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen


A handsome guy partly in shadow
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe

Content warning: gender dysphoria, misgendering, and transphobia

Some cis straight men fetishize trans women, seeing them as sexual experiments rather than people. It’s disgusting and dehumanizing. We call these men “chasers.”

But there are also chasers who thirst after trans men and transmasc nonbinary people.

Nonbinary folks are neither “male” nor “female.” Transmasc people have a masculine gender identity, such as trans men and transmasc nonbinary people.

I'm a transmasc nonbinary person. On Grindr, a “dating” app mostly for gay and bi men, there are lots of men who want to hook up with transmasc people, especially if they look “feminine.”

It sucks when these men DM me, and then I see "preferences" like this on their profiles:

Femme guys

Effeminate sissy boys


And the like. There were men who for some reason called me “girl” or “wifey”... One guy who messaged me, wrote in his bio: “I’m just here to talk to girls way out of my league.”


Yet another guy DMed and told me he wanted someone with “girl energy” to suck him off…



Sieran Lane
Prism & Pen

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!