Transgender Health Starts with Our Children

Success is the real story

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Some state legislators miss the good old days.

Last Sunday I watched a report on 60 Minutes that seemed to discuss the issues raised by the states that are legally restricting gender dysphoria treatment in children under 18 years of age with emphasis on the ban of treatment for transgender youth in Arkansas.

The report seemed to be attempting a fair presentation until it took, what I thought was a right turn. They focused on interviews of children who regretted transitioning and who de-transitioned. Without question, that does tragically occur but 60 Minutes spent no time interviewing the children for which the treatment did work.

I felt that was irresponsible, particularly now with so many states being swayed to restrict or ban the treatment in their ignorance. That is tragic.

I am transgender. I know the pain that suppressing my gender over a lifetime creates. I understand why transgender youth as well as adults consider suicide as a remedy. Frankly that is a greater tragedy that 60 Minutes should have focused on. I would love to have seen interviews with the transgender youth who have tried suicide and the parents of the dead transgender children who can’t speak from the grave.

That is the real story.



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.