Transgender Longing vs Reality

a very difficult concept to satisfy or abandon

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Longing: noun: a strong desire especially for something unattainable.

Many of us have experienced longing in our lives. Sometimes it involves missing another person who is no longer part of your life either through death, break up, or physical separation. Other times it is a wish for something missing in your life.

The feeling of longing is a partly melancholic state because we feel sorrowful about our separation from the thing we yearn for. However, it’s also sweet because there’s at least a small possibility that we’ll achieve our dream.

Since I was five years old, my dream, my wish, my longing was to wake up one morning and be who I always felt I should be, a girl. Throughout my entire adult life that dream to wake up as a woman never left me. I accepted my longing as such and knew that it would never be a reality.

It would have to stay a dream.

It is hard to know exactly when my lifelong dream became a small possibility, but I think one of the contributing moments was when Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn Jenner in 2015. Suddenly, my longing became a potential reality, one that could be attained but at a cost that included every facet of my…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.