Transgender Puberty: A Jarring Later-in-Life Experience

If you are a baby boomer like me, it is the puberty experience times two

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


When you hit 60 years of age, you begin to think, “I got this.” Then Life responds with, “Oh yeah, check this out,” and off you go spinning on your emotional axis.

Life decided to beat me with the transgender bat… really hard.

I was irrefutably diagnosed as a transgender female. Mother Nature has a sense of humor.

Once you have been driven by the incredible power of gender dysphoria to accept that you are transgender, the next step is to have the courage to do something about it. You begin the tentative steps of exploring a new sense of gender. You are exposed to irreversible changes, both inside and out.

You are going through puberty again.

For those of us in mid-life and beyond, I can say with clear certainty that we are not prepared for it. When a normal-aged child enters puberty, they experience a period of profound transition in terms of drives, emotions, motivations, psychology, and social life.

If you are a baby boomer like me, it is the puberty experience times two.

There is no way to prepare for these changes. Everyone changes differently, is…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.