Transgender Target Practice

like chum in a shark tank

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


The worst place on earth to explore your vulnerabilities is on the Internet. There seems to be an endless supply of fodder to make your every weakness into a black hole of despair. If you are transgender, you are like chum in a shark tank.

Welcome to feeding time on the Internet.

I am a late-in-life, male-to-female transgender woman. Wow, what a mouthful. I used to just be, well, me. Now I am a social target with a huge bullseye on my back, and everyone wants a piece of me.

Here’s just a short list:

1. Every organized religion: I just don’t get it. If God is love and we are supposed to love everyone, then why are so many religions looking to ostracize me or even stone me to death. Not sure that is what God wants.

2. The Right-Wing Politicians: I get it, they want to be re-elected. Nothing like a group to hate to really get the vote out. Make that group hated by all religions and spice it up with some fear-mongering by suggesting that that the same group wants to harm children and BINGO! that marginalized group with no voting power of their own rallies your constituency. It’s like throwing little kittens into a rat cage.

3. Certain Feminists: I get this also, I am a white, privileged male with deep…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.