I’m Traveling 1,700 Miles To See a Gay Man I Met Online

Either I’ll regret this trip, or it will change my life forever

Scott Nuce
Prism & Pen


Sign that says Re-Birth Challenging by NATURE
Photo by Scott Nuce

I won’t be going ziplining when I visit Costa Rica this summer. I won’t be searching for sloths or getting sunburned on the beach.

Even though this will be my first time there, I won’t be doing the usual touristy things.

I won’t try to go surfing or stay in a rainforest treehouse. All those adventures will have to wait for my next trip.

There’ll be another one. I’m sure of that.

I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie, but the thought of this trip to Costa Rica terrifies me.

I’m going to see the hometown of a man I met online three years ago and to meet him in person.

Will I end up one of those Americans who disappear in the wilderness of Central America? Most likely not.

Am I crazy? Maybe a little bit.

But how will I ever know if I don’t at least give it a shot? Besides, I hear Costa Rica is amazing.

I’m not even sure it’s fair to call it a vacation. It seems a bit, well, stressful for that.

Would you travel 1,700 miles for what could be, dare I say it, love?



Scott Nuce
Prism & Pen

Sagittarius explorer. Writing essays on travel and the human experience.