Tulsa Donut Shop Firebombed Over Drag Queens. Anyone Truly Shocked?

We LGBTQ folks hope our friends are paying attention.

James Finn
Prism & Pen


An unidentified man wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap breaks a window with a baseball bat, lights a Molotov cocktail, and throws it into The Donut Hole cafe in Tulsa, OK.

Donut shop hosts performance art with drag queens, then this happens …

The man in the screenshots above is shattering the windows of a donut shop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, then hurling a Molotov cocktail. Moments before, the man can be seen taping a note filled with Bible verses and anti-gay/anti-transgender slurs to the window of a neighboring shop.

Only by a fluke of good fortune, which I’ll break down in a minute, did The Donut Hole escape going up in flames Monday. The two owners and one employee still have jobs, but barely.

This morning I spoke to one of the owners, Sarah, to ask how everyone is holding up and to get her take on a shocking event that LGBTQ advocates warn is a sign of worse to come.

She says the three of them are edgy but otherwise okay, reminding me this is the second time her shop has been vandalized over a “Queens Dirty Dozens” art event that features drag queens serving donuts and donut sculptures.

Artist Daniel Gulick staged a successful event at The Donut Hole on October 15 , after which the shop was broken into and the point-of-sale system stolen. A…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.