UK Prime Minister Makes Transphobic Joke

And it’s far worse than that title suggests

Mrs. Capricious
Prism & Pen


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Here in the UK, the trans community are angry, and rightly so, and for once we’re not alone. So here’s the skinny…

As I write this it’s the early hours of the 10th of February 2024. Tomorrow, the 11th will mark one year since the brutal murder of Brianna Ghey, a 16 year old trans girl who lived less than 30 miles from my own home. The crime, and some mind-buggering details surrounding it, requires another piece - one I resisted tackling before her killers’ conviction.

All you need to know for context for this piece is that every Wednesday in the UK our parliament holds a session known as Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs). And that this week, in the public gallery watching proceedings, Brianna’s mother, Esther, was going to be in attendance.

PMQs is a feisty affair with the Opposition party (currently the Labour Party) doing its best to hold the government to account for its failings. Preferably in a scathingly witty way. And then the Prime Minister, or a stand-in, retorts in an equally insulting fashion. Such is UK politics.

This week’s PMQs should have been a slam dunk for the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, as later in the day Labour were set to announce a hugely significant policy U-turn. A great…



Mrs. Capricious
Prism & Pen

Capricious by name, steadfast by nature. Trans femme dyke. Smutsmith. Provocateur. Witch. Poet. Slut. Idiot.