Unable to Marry, We Planned a Beautiful Wedding for Straight Friends

Memories … with a few miracles!

Michael Horvich (he, him)
Prism & Pen


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Same-sex marriage in my home state of Illinois was approved in 2013.

The moment for marriage equality across the U.S. finally arrived on June 26, 2015, with the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The landmark 5–4 decision granted same-sex couples in all 50 states the right to full, equal recognition under the law.

Taken by author

With Gregory’s (RIP) and my anniversary approaching, I got to thinking about a wedding we planned for our straight-couple friends many years ago.

We did a lovely job but I couldn’t help think, “How sad.”

When we planned the wedding for our friends, same-sex marriage was nowhere on the horizon. Why was their love OK and Gregory’s and mine NOT? Why were we not able to ceremoniously profess our love for each other in front of family and friends and in turn receive their blessings?

The year was 1986, the place was Chicago, Illinois, the event was the marriage of Gregory’s dear college friend John and his soon-to-be wife Maureen.



Michael Horvich (he, him)
Prism & Pen

I write essays & poetry about my life insights & philosophies, the LGBTQ Community & Dementia/ Alzheimer’s Disease. I am Old. Jewish. Buddhist. Gay. Widowed.