What I Love About Being a Lesbian

Oh, how I wish my closeted self knew then what I know now

Jen M
Prism & Pen


Picture by Mahrael Boutros on Unsplash

The following points are not reasons why I am attracted to women (I did not choose my sexuality), rather, these are some of the things I am grateful for regarding my existing attraction.

No Traditional Expectations

Since lesbian and gay relationships have been discouraged for centuries, there’s been no time for gendered traditions/expectations to form. This is why people so often try to label us, asking, “so, who’s the man/woman in the relationship?” to make sense of the gender roles they are familiar with in heterosexual relationships.

Homosexual relationships, thankfully, are not like this:

  • The “woman” does not take the “man’s” last name in marriage.
  • There is no “head of the household,” or any other gendered stereotype of the sort.
  • The “man” does not have to be dominant, and the “woman” does not have to be submissive.
  • The “man” does not have to propose.
  • The “woman” does not have to do all the household chores.
  • The “man” does not have to be the breadwinner.
  • The “woman” does not have to raise the child.



Jen M
Prism & Pen

A freelance writer, writer, artist, geek, hopeless (and hopeful) romantic, and over-thinker.