What I Love About Being LGBTQ!

A Prism & Pen writing prompt

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Photo by Alessandro Biascioli licensed from Adobe Stock.

OK, peeps, Pride month is officially over, though many cities around the world continue with events for a bit. Now that we have time to catch our breath, let me ask y’all a question.

What do you really LOVE about being queer?

Forget equality and social justice issues for a minute. What part of BEING who you are makes you SO happy? What part is so cool you’d mourn if you suddenly were no longer trans, gay, bi, lesbian, asexual or otherwise?

Are you a friend/ally/loved-one rather than a queer person yourself? You can still play! What part of your friends’ queerness makes you happy?

Can you send in your personal essays, fiction, and poetry on this topic? I’m thinking I may answer the prompt with fiction. Like, what would happen if I woke up straight one day?

But however you answer, tell us …

What I Love About Being LGBTQ!

That’s our next two-week writing challenge. Remember, you’re always invited to submit stories about anything at any time, so long as they fall within our guidelines.

New to Prism and Pen?

Here are those submissions guidelines.



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.