What’s A Gay, Vegan Business Owner to Do?

A business group I love has planned a monthly gathering I won’t be attending.

Dan Hanley
Prism & Pen


Altrui Consulting logo created to celebrate Pride. Photo credit: Author

I am four and a half years into running my nonprofit fundraising and recruiting consultancy.

Since I began, I have made it a point to show up at local business events to meet others in the small-business world and and the nonprofit world.

I also like to be an advocate of the causes my nonprofit clients work in: unhoused youth, domestic violence, refugees, immigrants, and animal rights.

As I try to be as authentic of a business owner and community member as possible, there are times I decide not to attend specific meetings or conferences. Usually that is because of where the event is or who is sponsoring it.

There have been times when there has been an event at the local horse racing track, for example, that I have decided not to attend due to my animal rights beliefs.

And now I find myself having to not attend an event again. This time the reason is intersectional, affecting my affinity for the LGBTQ communities and animal rights beliefs.

The event is being sponsored by Chick-fil-A.

This may conjure all types of feelings for some.



Dan Hanley
Prism & Pen

I write about nonprofits, fundraising, recruiting, self-care. Human rights, domestic violence, borders, and refugee focused. Sober. Vegan. https://altrui.org/