Privacy Talk with Raashee Gupta Erry, Founder and Principal of Uplevel: How is your marketing / advertising career and privacy at FTC?

Kohei Kurihara
Privacy Talk
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2023

“This interview recorded on 9th February 2023 is talking about privacy and digital marketing.”

Kohei is having great time discussing privacy and digital marketing.

This interview outline:

  • Introduction
  • How is your marketing / advertising career and privacy at FTC?

Kohei: Thank you for everyone coming to privacy talk. I’m so quite so honored to invite Raashee from the United States. She’s an expert in the advertisement, privacy industry, so Raashee, thank you for coming to this privacy show.

Rashee: Thank you, Kohei, very nice to be here.

Kohei: Thank you. First of all, I would like to introduce her profile.

  • Introduction

She is a marketing, advertising and privacy leader. She is a Founder and CEO of Uplevel, ads & privacy consulting firm. Recently, she served as the White House Presidential Innovation Fellow in the Biden Administration and a Senior Advisor at the Federal Trade Commission.

At FTC, she functioned as a subject matter expert and technologist on matters related to Advertising and Privacy Practices.

Her work touched investigations into AdTech and Platforms; congressional bills technical assistance i.e. ADPPA (American Data Privacy Protection Act), Rule makings i.e. COPPA, ANPR on commercial surveillance and lax data security practices; Market research analysis i.e. Social Media companies, ISPs; Leadership briefings on Privacy Sandbox, Apple’s App Tracking Transparency, Personalized Advertising and AdTech education series.

Engagement with external regulatory bodies, advocacy organizations and industry bodies. Prior to that, Raashee held various advertising and marketing leadership roles at global companies — Volkswagen and Samsung, managed digital advertising and strategy at large advertising agencies for Fortune 500 companies — American Express, Google, T-mobile etc. and led corporate marketing, strategy and demand generation at Neustar (acquired by TransUnion) She serves on the IAPP’s Women Leading Privacy Advisory Board and holds various privacy certifications.

And again, very highly appreciated to have the talk this moment proceed. So let’s jump into agenda of today. So I’m happy to listen to your activity because I also have some experiences in the marketing field and that your marketing expertise is quite impressive.

So could you share how is it marketing, advertising and carrier and privacy at Federal Trade Commission?

  • How is your marketing / advertising career and privacy at FTC?

Raashee: Thank you for very nicely, eloquently describing my profile. So my background is marketing, advertising. I am an advertiser and marketer by profession by training, by trade, and I’ve been in industry for close to two decades, and I’ve had the privilege of being on all sides of the ecosystem, as we say it.

I have worked in brands like Samsung and Volkswagen, where you’re on the forefront of developing your advertising marketing strategy, digital experiences, customer experiences and data strategy.

So I’ve seen that side of the equation. I’ve been at big ad agencies, global holding companies as well as independent shops where I got a chance to implement all the strategies.

I oversaw media planning, buying, , analytics, activation, working with digital platforms, and ad tech companies to bring these strategies to life in terms of targeting and measuring users in various different ways and engaging with them.

Third pillar of my advertising career has been on the ad tech side. I’ve been the buyer of these technologies at brands and agencies, so I wanted to understand the other side — how the product is created and made.

That’s the work that I did at Neustar, which is an ad tech / martech company which powers a lot of the identity solutions, CRM onboarding, DMP, CDP, attribution and measurement.

After these corporate jobs, I ended up going out on my own and starting to do consulting with to bring together all my corporate experience to companies, large and small, to help them with improve their marketing, their advertising by being more data centric, developing data strategies, media strategies, planning, execution, buying and operation.

And during this process is when I got exposed to GDPR in 2018. Companies and clients came to me when they had a new website launch and needed to understand the need for a cookie banner, for instance.

They wanted to know what are the requirements and that’s how I fell into privacy. Since then, it’s just been an area that continuously became more and more interesting for me. I found myself deeply engaged in the topics and understanding the space from the application of marketing perspective.

I bring a business perspective to privacy. When i I got an opportunity to go to FTC, it brought both, my experience of marketing / advertising and my interest in privacy together.

At FTC, my work touched ad tech companies dealing with privacy issues and big tech platforms.

Kohei: Thank you for sharing your experiences. I’m also the quite interested in so why did you get interested in marketing in the digital media industry? Because you have had a many, many experiences so far, maybe you just have any finding opportunities to work in this space. So could you share your experiences with them?

Raashee: I started in the field right around 2002. when a lot of the digital advertising was coming to life with search being there and banner advertising with portals was big.

It’s very early days of digital advertising. I am fortunate to have started in the industry at a very early stage and learnt along the way. So it was more of a level of creativity that brought me here. I just ended up being in environments that are more digitally oriented. I’ve always been a digital marketer as opposed to a traditional marketer.

Kohei: That’s pretty awesome. So, I want to ask you the next question about your public sectors. As you mentioned regulatory issues are happening and digital marketing at the moment, especially for third-parties or other transparency and many concerns.

It’s related to sectorial, industrial things that happened at this moment. Could you tell us your work in the digital media in the marketing and public sector?

To be continued..

Thank you for reading and please contact me if you want to join interview together.

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