Let’s Talk Privacy & Technology Episode 8: Strategic Privacy by Design with R. Jason Cronk

Privacy & Technology
2 min readAug 6, 2021

As part of my fellowship with Santa Clara Law’s leading privacy law program, I’m curating the Let’s Talk Privacy & Technology video series. Each episode features a privacy expert, practitioner, academic, or innovator. We discuss the intersection of privacy and technology, covering topics ranging from privacy engineering, privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), and data ownership, to data ethics, privacy tech, cybersecurity, and more. I publish episode notes in this blog, including this post dedicated to episode 4. [Episode 1 is available here; 2, here; 3, here; 4, here. 5, here; 6, here; and 7, here.]

Episode Description

I spoke with Strategic Privacy by Design author, R. Jason Cronk, to discuss his work on strategic privacy by design and risk assessments and to demystify privacy enhancing technologies (PETs).

Episode Takeaways

  • On how he got into a “JD-Advantage” role: Jason provided a glimpse into his technical background, sharing the story of how he decided to become a privacy lawyer, including the events that led to his work in strategic privacy by design. He explained how his natural interests, his network, and the state of the economy at the time of his graduation led him to his work today, in the intersection of privacy and technology.
  • On the multidisciplinary nature of privacy: Jason talks about the intersection of privacy and other disciplines, particularly the overlap with Information Security. He also talks about the contributions legal and engineering teams can each make to privacy design.
  • On building privacy tools: Jason shared some of the privacy tools he has created and is in the process of creating, including the award-winning privacy notice generator he built with Prof. Daniel Solove. He explained how he incorporated feedback to perfect his tool, noting specifically the importance of using simple, approachable language in privacy notices.
  • On privacy risk factors: Jason dove into some of the risk factors that should come into play when assessing privacy risk.
Let’s Talk Privacy & Technology Episode 8: Strategic Privacy by Design with Jason Cronk

Episode Links



Privacy & Technology

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