Why I’m Voting for Prop 24 (CPRA) Despite Its Flaws

CPRA will further fuel privacy tech innovation and continue to move the needle on privacy

Privacy & Technology


Like many voting Californians, I am faced with the decision on whether to vote to pass Proposition 24 (Prop. 24) or the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which would update the existing California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). As a privacy practitioner, lawyer, and strategist, I am aware of the arguments on both sides, and have thought them through and debated them with colleagues at length.

Serious privacy thinkers and advocates have come out to criticize Prop. 24. Prof. Eric Goldman released this scathing piece and a follow-up op-ed explaining his position and calling for Californians to vote no. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released a similar statement. And the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) came out with their own reasons why they’re not supporting Prop. 24.

On the pro-Prop. 24 side, Prof. Chris Hoofnagle has been vocal about his support, sharing his reasons in a series of tweets and op-eds. Similarly, Common Sense Media came out with their own Prop. 24 defense. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Consumer Watchdog have also indicated their support for Prop. 24.



Privacy & Technology

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