DREAMS: The Unspoken Language of Self-Love and Achievement


Private Curator
5 min readJan 30, 2024


Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

Dreams are like big wishes you have for yourself. When you dream, it’s like saying, “Hey, I want to do something great!” It’s about making yourself a priority and loving who you are, whether your dream comes true or not depends on you.

In the intricate journey of life , everyone dreams,as dreams are the initiative to success . The journey from birth is laden with expectations, aspirations, and challenges. From the very moment a child is born, the weight of expectations is placed upon their tiny shoulders. Parents, with hopeful hearts, anticipate their offspring to not just grow but to flourish, becoming a beacon that outshines the family name.

Children, at an early age, encounter societal pressures, urging them to be competitive, resilient, and prepared to confront the world.

Life is different for everyone , and very unpredictable ,some people are born in families who are not rich and for those people to dream is a completely different scenario, while some are born in the families with the privilege of being rich and to dream in those families is quite a different thing. . Despite the different backgrounds , some people outshine and do something entirely different because they think and dream completely unique and they seem to be the reason for their families completely tranforming .Yet, what becomes apparent is that personal initiative can be the catalyst for transformative change within families.



Your dreams are uniquely yours, never think of the limit while dreaming , and there are no limits to what you can envision, the beauty of dreaming lies in its boundless nature. If there’s something you aspire to achieve, let your dream be the starting point. Without dreaming today, the pathway to thinking, making efforts, and achieving in life remains undiscovered.

There will be people telling you to be in your shoes and don’t cross the limits, turn a deaf ear to them , never listen to them, go with your instincts! The journey toward your dreams is inherently personal and doesn’t require external validation.



That’s completly upto you but ,you are not bound to tell anyone about your dreams , you should be aware of your dreams and that’s what matters, people will come and go .

Only one by your side will be YOU AND YOUR DREAM!!

Cherish the relationship you have with your dreams, and let them be your guiding light.


YES, that’s well said by JOHN C.MAXWELL ,how in the world even you can think that dreaming is enough !! No, dreaming is just the inception; the real magic unfolds when you infuse your dreams with relentless effort, unwavering determination, and a symphony of hard work. It’s not merely about dreaming, but about rolling up your sleeves, diving into the hustle, and sculpting your aspirations into reality. So, let the mantra resound: Dreams don’t work unless you do!


YES!! Dreams are expectations,you set for yourself ,you expect to achieve what you dream ,from your very own self and that’s where you think of keeping the world and it’s a self-love affair, an unequivocal declaration that you are worthy of your dreams.

Yes , expectations disappoint but the key lies in the efforts you invest!!

Dream and expect but make your efforts the shining armor in the journey of your life and live a successful dream !

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


YES !! Dreams are like secret adventures waiting to happen, and pursuing them takes a lot of courage. It’s about facing the unknown, stepping out of your comfort zone, and believing in yourself even when things get a bit scary.

Dreams are not for the faint-hearted , they demand courage, determination , hard work , effort and a good dose of patience .

Think about those living their dream lives; they didn’t just stumble into it. They had a dream, and then they put in the work, faced challenges, and stayed patient. So, dreaming is just the start; living your dream life depends entirely on how you embrace your dreams and go after them. It’s a journey fueled by your actions and determination.


Absolutely! Dreams reside within you, a whisper of aspirations and possibilities. You’re aware of what you want for your future, yet the fear of failure may cast a shadow. The key lies in confronting that fear, overcoming failures, and embracing the challenges. As you rise above these obstacles, life becomes more manageable, and your dreams become resilient. With effort, you’ll not only conquer your fears but also illuminate your name with the brilliance of your achievements.


The misconception often lingers that dreams fade away with time. But the truth is, dreams never truly die; they’re simply forgotten. Many abandon their dreams, opting for easier paths, and as a result, these aspirations collect dust over time.

The dreams shatter into pieces .However, even if you’ve lost sight of your dreams, it’s never too late to revive them. Gather the shattered pieces,start working towards your dreams with full determination. Your journey might become a story of resilience and triumph, inspiring others with the tale of how you reclaimed and achieved your once-forgotten dreams.

Picking up the pieces of shattered dream is better than having no pieces to pickup at all — MATSHONA DHLIWAYO

Remember, the magic of dreams is not found in their mere existence but in the unwavering effort and commitment to turn them into reality. May your dreams be the driving force, the source of your strength, and the narrative that shapes the extraordinary story of your life and make you the YOU you want!

Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

