Pour out your Love

A poem on human thirst for love

Rekha Philip
Private Curator
Nov 14, 2023



Pour out your love
deep into my soul.
Into every fold and folder,
let it gently flow…
Flow into every nook and corner
and fill up the empty spaces.
Heal the cuts and bruises.
May the scars of old disappear.

Crash onto me, Fount of love!
like a mighty waterfall…
Sweep over my fragile being
and drench me to the very core,
till every fiber of my being
pulsate with your life and essence
and each and every piece of me
start carrying your divine flavor.

Let me float in your fathomless ocean,
as a feather… forever free…
Let your currents carry me
and wash me on dry, distant shores.
Then I will soak and revive the dead lands
with this Milk of Paradise.



Rekha Philip
Private Curator

Born, raised and lived in different places, I carry the flavor of many lands. An honest soul, I record my thoughts, To make one reflect for a better world..