Private Curator
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2023
Photo by Ash Hayes on Unsplash

We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.

- Nelson Mandela

The world is wrapped in lights and brightness, celebrating the joy of winter festivities, holding the warmth of celebrations, and cherishing precious moments. But, there’s a chilling reality in a corner of our planet that remains starkly different. Against all the laughter and leisure, a shadow looms over a population struggling for survival,a population which has no source of living anymore but, the hope they have in their faiths, have made them the strongest nation in the entire world .

Yes, the strongest people of Palestine have overcome fear. While humans generally fear death,those who wake up to the sight of dead bodies on the streets, endure the nonconformity of life, and still have trust in their faith and remain resolute. Undoubtedly, they represent one of the strongest nations in the world.

Palestine is the small fragment of our world,where lives are lost daily, communities are shattered,children are murdered , yet the survivors have been vocalizing the conflict on the public forums bravely .


The world does not care what that fragment of the world is going through, where many of us are enjoying the luxuries of life, a significant number of people are caught in a relentless cycle of violence ,murders and despair .

But does that matter for us?

We think we have played our part but have we?

They as a nation have done the best they could do ,they have shown remarkable resilience, those who died have secured places in heaven and those who are struggling , are contending with what they have and are raising their voices and have hopes , they are clearly the heroes .

But we as independent nations have failed miserably !!

The plight of the Palestinians speaks volumes. Their stories of survival against turmoil and tragedy paint a picture that the world often forgets to glance at. The psychological and physical toll they endure is beyond comprehension.

Imagine witnessing the brutal loss of loved ones, the haunting echo of bombs, the grief of seeing streets stained with blood — their trauma etched into every waking moment.

Is this normal? Will they be normal even if the genocide stops ? NO

It’s been more than just months; it’s an ongoing ordeal with no end in sight.

And in all this, where do we stand? What have we done?

Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash

Some among us might have briefly glanced at news reports or social media posts, feeling a pang of sympathy before swiftly moving on to our routines. A few might have raised their voices, cried out in protest, but for how long? We spoke, we voiced our concerns, but did we truly feel their pain? Did we pause to reflect on their situation, to empathize beyond fleeting moments of attention?

As individuals, as nations, we had opportunities to stand up, to speak out, to extend a hand of support. Yet, in the echo chambers of power, the voices of the oppressed are often muted. The actions of superpowers, once symbols of hope, were met with silence or worse, opposition. We have been suppressed by the oppressors directly or indirectly. We are the ones who will be questioned: Why didn’t we stand for the oppressed? Why didn’t we stand against the oppressors and take action?”

What goes around comes around , Actions have consequences. Those who have witnessed the cruelty inflicted upon Palestine and failed to take action will, in one way or another, face repercussions. It’s time to take a stand. Start by offering prayers for those enduring genocide and extend as much help as possible to support them.”


